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7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

March 11, 2021

Do you know your carbon footprint? In simple terms, a carbon footprint is described as the total amount of greenhouse gases generated as a direct result of our choices and actions.

In the US, the average carbon footprint is 16 tons, one of the highest in the world. However, if you want to reduce your carbon footprint at home, there’s plenty you can do.

With a few changes to your daily routine, you can do your part to help the environment and reduce the amount of dangerous carbon dioxide and methane gas released into the atmosphere.

To learn more, keep reading to find seven ways to reduce your carbon footprint from home—it’s easier than you might think.

  1. Drive Less

Transportation, especially cars, is a huge contributor to our carbon emissions. While it might not be possible for everyone, if you can change the way you commute to work, you can create a more eco-friendly home.

Instead of driving each day, try cycling, walking, or taking public transportation. Or, try to think about how you run errands and socialize—whenever you have the opportunity to drive less, you’re helping the planet.

As an added bonus, walking or cycling to work also helps you save money and get in some extra exercise each day.

  1. Reuse and Recycle

Wondering how to create a more environmentally friendly home? If so, remember the three R’s—reuse, reduce, and recycle.

This will help your home conserve materials and help the environment, while giving items a second (or third!) life, increasing their lifespan. Before throwing anything out, decide if you can reuse it for something else.

If not, try to recycle it correctly so that it doesn’t end up in the landfill. This is particularly true for plastics, which require an extensive industrial process to create—raising our carbon footprints.

Even better, try to avoid plastic as much as possible, as it’s no good for the planet.

  1. Switch to Sustainable Home Energy

Traditional home heating and cooling systems place a huge demand on the energy grid, burning through fuels, coals, and gases. As an alternative, switch to a more sustainable energy source, such as solar.

There are plenty of benefits of solar panels, since they can help homeowners save money, they’re low maintenance, and you’ll feel good knowing that your home’s power isn’t placing additional stress on the environment. You might also qualify for a tax credit, since there are government programs in place to incentivize homeowners to switch to solar.

Look for a local, reputable provider like Blue Raven Solar to provide a quote for solar panel installation.

  1. Eat Local, Seasonal Produce

Where does your food come from? While it’s something many of us take for granted, it’s important to remember that your food often travels a long way to reach your kitchen—which is no good for your carbon footprint.

Meat, produce, and fruits often travel cross-country to arrive in grocery stores, which means thousands and thousands of trucks powering across the country, guzzling gas and burning fossil fuels.

You can reduce your carbon footprint by shopping locally. Visit your local farmer’s market to buy seasonal, fresh produce straight from local farmers.

It’s an easy way to ensure your food doesn’t need to travel far, and you’re sure to enjoy the sunkissed, fresh flavors.

  1. Buy Fewer New Items

It’s not always easy, but try to reduce your shopping habits to help the environment. Shopping, especially fast fashion, cheap furniture, and home decor, are items industrially manufactured, a great cost to the planet.

When you can, try to buy goods secondhand. There are plenty of amazing items with plenty of life left to give!

  1. Improve Your Home’s Insulation

If you’re not able to switch to solar power, you can still do your part to reduce your home’s power use by improving your insulation.

Sometimes, our homes become drafty, thanks to old insulation, worn-out window and door seals, or uninsulated attics. By improving your insulation, it helps prevent heat and air from escaping out—which will lower your energy costs.

It also means you’ll be using less power, as you won’t need to crank up the heat each winter to make up for the heat escaping through your windows and attic.

  1. Consume Less Meat

Have you ever thought about trying meat-free Mondays? It’s a movement that encourages us to consume less meat for the benefit of the planet.

It’s a fantastic alternative to a vegetarian diet, which might not suit everyone. However, if you can reduce your meat consumption by even a small amount, this is an effective way to cut down on greenhouse gases.

Livestock like cows and pigs produce a huge amount of methane gas, released into the atmosphere, so if we can eat less meat, we can help reduce greenhouse gases.

If you do buy meat, try to purchase it directly from farms or local butchers with an emphasis on organic, natural meats.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With These Top Tips

If you’re ready to help the environment, one of the best things you can do is to reduce your carbon footprint. Use the tips mentioned above to start thinking about how you can change your home and lifestyle into something more sustainable and eco-friendly.

It might take some time to develop new habits, but you’ll be creating a future that’s better for our children and grandchildren. Plus, it feels amazing to know that your actions are helping the planet!

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